Saturday, November 2, 2013

It's Been a While! Pineapple Pudding Cake Recipe.

Assalamu alaikum!

My apologies for not posting in a few months, I had my second baby boy in September Alhamdulillah and its been a full time job (and then some) getting adjusted. I'm so grateful to my family for helping me into this transition of being a mom of two, now its time to get back to work :) insha'Allah...

Just a couple days ago we celebrated my first borns birthday, I baked a cake from scratch for the first time. It was a Pineapple Pudding Cake which was quite yummy! I am going to share the recipe here, there is an easier way to make this cake by using yellow cake mix and instant vanilla pudding (make sure it's halal). I did not take pictures as I went along (only of the final result) but will do so next time (yes there will be a next time for this delicious cake i'A!).

Yellow Cake Recipe

1 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 2/3 cup sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
3 cups cake flour
2 1/4 tsp Baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/3 cup milk

Preheat Oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour two nine inch round pans, or you can use a 10" x 13" disposable aluminum pan that is at least 2" deep (these are usually sold in 99cent stores).

Cream the butter and sugar thoroughly, add the eggs and continue mixing lastly adding the vanilla extract. In a separate bowl mix the cake flour, salt, and baking powder. Now alternate mixing the flour and the milk into the butter mixture and pour into cake pan.
Bake for 30-40 minutes. I baked for 30 and kept checking every five minutes or so to make sure it didn't burn. Poke the center of cake with a toothpick, it should come out clean when done.
Let the cake cool in the pan for about ten minutes before taking it out and then letting it cool more (preferably on a wire rack).


Vanilla Pudding Recipe
I used the recipe from the site provided below, since this is going on the cake make sure its not too runny. I let it cool and then refrigerated the pudding for at least 2-3 hours before putting it on the cake. Also this recipe makes a decent amount of pudding so you may (or may not depending on how rich you want the cake) have some left after assembling the cake.


Ok, now on to the good stuff.......

Pineapple Pudding Cake

In addition to the actual cake and vanilla pudding you need:

*one 8oz container of Cool Whip
*8oz can of crushed pineapple.

I randomly poked holes (about the circumference of a pencil) all over the cake (I spaced them out some), then I poured some of the pineapple with its juice (not too much juice) over the holes and spread it evenly on the cake. Next spread the vanilla pudding over the pineapple. Lastly spread the cool whip over the vanilla pudding, voila!

Here's a picture of the cake I made....its not as refined as I'd like it to be but I did my best while juggling an infant and a toddler at the same time! Alhamdulillah!


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